We assist our clients with a diverse array of projects that vary in size, scope and duration, but our commitment to delivering a quality product remains constant. Envision's experience ranges from multi-jurisdictional regional plans and corridors studies spanning a hundred miles to more concentrated efforts encompassing a few city blocks. Near or far, no project is too big or small as we specialize in collaborating with our trusted teaming patterns as part of interdisciplinary teams custom tailored to meet the specific needs of your project.
Cahoon Park Funding Strategy
City of Bay Village
Envision was hired by the City of Bay Village to provide grant writing services and technical assistance in support of an ODNR Coastal Management Assistance Grant to enhance multimodal connectivity across Lake Road to connect the southern portion of Cahoon Park with the Lake Erie shoreline and implement the vision established in the Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency (NOACA) Cahoon Park Area Connectivity Study.
Comprehensive Plan
Olmsted Township
Envision was hired by Olmsted Township to prepare a Comprehensive Plan to strategically guide future development in a rapidly growing community. The visioning process will culminate in a series of goals/objectives organized around how policy makers and the public think concentrating on the community’s consensus high-priority issues including pedestrian and bicycle connectivity, parks and recreation facilities, and economic development.
Hall of Fame Area Land Use / Transportation Study
Stark County Area Transportation Study (SCATS)
Envision is part of the consultant team assisting SCATS with an integrated land use and transportation plan for the area surrounding the proposed Pro Football Hall of Fame Village. Envision is responsible for leading the public involvement, land use and multimodal connectivity components of this plan to leverage and maximize the impact of this catalytic mixed-use development.
Comprehensive Plan
City of Brunswick
Envision is leading a multi-firm interdisciplinary team assisting the City of Brunswick with their Comprehensive Plan. Recommendations will look both holistically at the City for overarching themes and strategies, as well as at more specific geographic locations including the Pearl Road (US 42) commercial corridor, Brunswick Lake Town Center, and the Plum Creek greenway through a series of specific and actionable policies, programs and projects.
US 68 & SR 31 Operational Study
Ohio Department of Transportation
Envision is part of the consultant team assisting the Ohio Department of Transportation (ODOT) in analyzing freight movements along 100 miles of its Strategic Transportation System on US 68 and SR 31 in western Ohio. This comprehensive needs assessment is focused on identifying incremental, operational improvements to enhance goods movement prioritized by return on investment.
Master Plan Update
City of Aurora
Envision led an interdisciplinary team assisting the City of Aurora with an update of their Master Plan adopted by City Council. This comprehensive plan incorporates detailed implementation strategies at three Focus Areas which include the mixed-use redevelopment of the former Geauga Lake amusement park, historic preservation of the Town Center, and future opportunities for trail-oriented development of the Station District.
Downtown Akron Promenade Phase II
City of Akron
Envision was part of the consultant team hired by the City of Akron to provide grant writing and technical assistance as part of a USDOT TIGER application for multimodal connectivity enhancements and green infrastructure along South Main Street. Envision was responsible for authoring the funding application which was awarded $8 Million in federal funding and was the sole Ohio project awarded TIGER funds in 2018.
Park Enhancements
City of North Ridgeville
Envision is assisting the City of North Ridgeville with planning, design, and funding strategies for a series of recreational enhancements to the city's park system, including the reconstruction of tennis courts and installation of pickleball courts at South Central Park funded in part through a grant secured through the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR) Natureworks program.
Downtown Streetscape Plan
Village of Fairport Harbor
Envision was engaged by the Village of Fairport Harbor to prepare a Downtown Streetscape Plan as part of a catalytic revitalization effort in the central business district. The project scope included planning to upgrade the existing streetscape, enhance wayfinding, explore opportunities for green infrastructure, and improve access to historic storefronts through traffic calming and pedestrian enhancements.
Grant Writing Services
City of Strongsville
Envision provided grant writing services and technical assistance to the City of Strongsville as part of a successful funding application for multimodal connectivity enhancements to the Town Center through the Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency (NOACA) Transportation for Livable Communities Initiative (TLCI). The project was awarded $141,000 in construction funding through the local Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO).
Multimodal Freight Growth Study
Tri-County Regional Planning Commission
Envision is part of the consultant team that assisted the Tri-County Regional Planning Commission with a study to to analyze multimodal freight opportunities in Greater Peoria and explore potential Public-Private Partnerships (P3) for development of a new port facility, located in or near the City of Peoria, Illinois, in order to provide a superior commercial, value proposition to businesses located in the region.
Pearl Road Complete & Green Streets Phase II: Commercial District
City of Parma Heights
Envision provided grant writing services and technical assistance to the City of Parma Heights to install multimodal connectivity enhancements, wayfinding signage and green infrastructure along the Pearl Road Commercial District. The grant was awarded $250,000 through the Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency (NOACA) Transportation for Livable Communities Initiative (TLCI) implementation program.